Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Trade, Part 2: Jason Schmidt?

If you read down below, I, with no responsibility to have to make a decision, floated the idea about trading Barry Bonds. (By the way, I brought this up on the Angels message board, and to my surprise, the majority were for it.)

Anyway, what about Jason Schmidt?

What about Jason Schmidt, you say?

Well, is it time to trade him?

Let's look at the facts. He didn't have a great year. He teetered in and out of being his usual dominant self. (I blame Felipe Alou's overusing him last year for at least some if not all of what he's going through.)

Schmidt's not getting any younger. And any more dependable.

But he's our ace, you say. No, Noah Lowry's our ace. I think even Schmidt would say that.

You figure Schmidt could bring in at least a couple (and maybe more) midlevel young pitchers that might step right into the rotation.

Is it worth a gamble? Like the Barry trade question, it might be.

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