Monday, October 24, 2005

A.J or not A.J. ... that is not the question

So who am I, as a San Francisco Giants (and Boston Red Sox fan) rooting for in the 2005 World Series? Let's put it this way. It's any team that A.J. Pierzynski isn't on.

Why? Because after the downright horrible numbers he put up last year with the Giants, I don't want him to have anything to celebrate this year.

It started when he kneed Stan Conte in the groin in spring training. Then, Brett Tomko accused him of not being dedicated enough to get together with Giants pitchers before games to the point where Pierzynski was hit with the dreaded "cancer on the team" label. (He was never liked before he came to SF, either. The A's, in particular, couldn't stand him.)

The one thing Pierzynski did do well last year was hitting into double plays. If there was one to hit into, Pierzynski did it.

In other words, he was crap. As soon as they could after the season, the Giants surgically removed the "cancer" and brought in Mike Metheny in his place. Quite an admirable replacement, as things turned out, the anti-Pierzynski.

The con job A.J. pulled during the Angels series allowing him to get to first base only serves to underscore my hope that the White Sox come crashing down during the World Series. It'll be karmic justice for 2004.

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